Fallow deer are definitely good eating, mate. I'm biased though, as it makes up 90% of my diet. Currently up to about 65 fallow since last Christmas, but I'd say about half of them have been eaten by my partner and I. 23 of them were shot for the human consumption market and the rest have been given away. Even with the terrible drought out here at the moment, the deer are eating exceptionally well.
Of all those deer however, none have been taken with a both (trad or compound), which is why I'm upping my game big time to be good over our summer. I don't have access to big country out here like you do with high country mule deer in Colorado for example, but I have spots in thick, isolated bush, where I know bucks bed throughout the day. Come February and early March I'll be getting super sneaky, and then when the rut is in full swing in mid-April, I'll be rattling them in and hopefully shooting instinctively with confidence.