Hope this is OK, copied from another site. Looking Dapper.
"November 04, 2019 Journal entry by Lori Thomas — 23 hours ago Day 4 Post OP Voila! I finally managed to get him in the shower, polish up a bit of the aftermath of a craniotomy, and take a scissors to Don’s hair. I make no bones about the fact that I am a nurse and not a barber/hairdresser. Actually it works out well for us. Don makes me give him a bad haircut and I get to use the money I saved on mine! There is no place like home as Dorothy from pointed out a long time ago. Don has already been back on his computer, starting to catch up on a few emails, and enjoying the company of 5 dogs. Molly and Rosy refuse to leave his side. I am now left to go outside in a snowstorm and clean kennels."