I have a the special ops bowfishing light from AMS that I have mostly used for hog hunting, and it was working well for a couple of years. The other day, I the pressure switch failed on it. These are mechanical, and have a limited shelf life. I did a google search and looked at the AMS website to try to purchase a replacement. When that attempt was unsuccesful, I contacted AMS directly to try to see if they knew the size so I could try to get a replacement. They recently started making the light with a different vendor, and no replacements were available, so they told me to just mail them the old light and they would send me a new one. This was on either tuesday of this week. I told them that I could only put it in the mail this weekend because of work(although I actually mailed it on wednesday), and that it had glue residue from velcro. They said no problem. When I got home yesterday, I got the new light in the mail, which is a fenix pd32 with a fancy pressure switch. Very surprised and happy with