Folks, I'd like to thank everyone who attended and supported the 16th Howard Hill Classic, 2020. First, thanks to Vendors, Big Jim's, Acadian Woods, Byron Ferguson, Tome Rowan Traditional Archery, Bivouac Bow Co., Art by Broughton, Rock Pile Farms, Wayne Awhl, The Longbow Shop and a few others.
Next, THANK YOU, for the 227 shooters that came. Yes, the shoot numbers were down due to rescheduling, and, as we all know, other factors.
BUT, the quality of shooters, friendship and family atmosphere couldn't have been better.
I'll be posting the Championship Shoot Down Winners, along with photos, as well as the American Traditional Archer's Men & Women's "Top Shot" winner of each of those three.
I will also be posting the Winner of the American Traditional Archer belt buckle fro each class, their scores and the 2nd & 3rd Place shooter with their score as well.
Remember folks, next year, I will be going back to the format I've always had, a Multi Round event with the high score one shoots over the course of the weekend. A 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place award will be given.
Folks, plans are already being made to blow the top off the 2021 Howard Hill Classic.
I'll be posting more info a little later, NOW, for those were here to also get some extra practice for the upcoming IBO Trad World at the Twin Oaks Club in Clarksville, TN. Good luck to those shooters as well as all others. I hope there's a great turn out.
Terry Harris