Anybody done this?
My biggest passion in life is bowhunting bears in the NE GA mtns. I spend most all summer scouting new ridges and saddles and glassing oaks to put the ever changing acorn puzzle together. In the last couple years I have found a bear that I want to chase. He’s odd in a way that he seems to stay in a particular small area. Even last year, he chose to stay in this place even though the acorns there were nearly all chestnuts. (Less Desireable)
Anyway, it’s not a typical place I bear hunt. I normally focus on narrow ridges and saddles but this area is kind of a big bowl below a main ridge. It’s about 40 acres of tornado damage. Picture a head high, horrendously thick clearcut with random standing trees in it. Fortunately, there are two creek drains running through it that the tornado passed over. There is no big concentration of white oaks anywhere but there are small clumps of 2-3 trees here and there. Theyre pretty loaded too. Im not sure how to chase this guy until the day before the opener because they can climb and ruin a tree in a couple days easy. Im thinking afternoons are going to be my only option because in such a small area, a light could ruin it and most bears I see are up and moving by grey light.
I dont have a good picture of him yet but he is a monster. He finds my cams no matter where I move them and he licks them immediately and never goes near them again. Judging by tracks and scat, hes easily 350-400 lbs.
Anyway, any advice is appreciated. This critter is ruining my sleep