I was able to try out the air helmet this afternoon. I was cutting lots of small pieces of maple, walnut and padauk so I put it on and I’m very happy with it. The padauk really brought home to me how well it works. It has a peculiar smell to it when it’s cut or sanded. When I wore the helmet, I couldn’t smell it. I was comfortable with it on and I hardly noticed the sound of the fan motor. The air blowing through the helmet felt good too. I’m going to love it when it’s hot.
After I was done cutting, I took it off and I noticed that it was covered in red dust.
I never really paid attention to this before. The amount of dust on the outside of the helmet was surprising. I can only imagine how much dust I have breathed in over the years. I always tell people that you are what you eat and I have eaten a lot of wood. 😁