For the first time I am purdying' up a set of arrows for 3-d and stumping and also just because I want to.
Anyway I stained them to my liking, I then crowned them and then crested them, all with acrylic and latex paints.
All steps with very ample drying time between in a VERY dry heated room.
It was now time to top coat.
I chose Watco brush on gloss lacquer. I speed dipped one no problem then the second and while hanging the second I notice the first one that the black band of acrylic paint started to run real bad. Strange thing is it only ran in one place, right where it blends the crown to raw wood. There were two other black bands(along with other colors) that were applied to the crown base< not raw wood under them, and they didn't run at all.
Anyway obviously lacquer doesn't play well with acrylic so what would you'll suggest, wipe on Poly?
As I understand Crest-Lac is a shellac base and thus yellows, I do not want any yellowing because I have whites mixed in here.