Many business owners choose to do things differently. After all, that's the perk of owning a small business, right? I think it is all of the customers' choice (obviously) to patronize their business, or not. Many customers in many areas of the US, have different perceptions of how business should be conducted based on their individual experiences, the business or career they may be in, and to some degree, their upbringing.
After close to thirty-years in the automotive industry with all of the large OEMs as my customers, I know they are extremely demanding. In that world, if you drop the ball, you're most likely looking for other employment options.
If you use this relationship as a baseline to measure all businesses, you would be VERY disappointed and feel everyone is horrible. Personally, I have to remove myself from my initial gut reaction, take a step back, and consider my audience (the business).
Couple that with the fact that the Asbell's are not spring-chickens, I think they do a pretty darn good job!! Just think about how you would treat your parents or grand parents, and adjust accordingly!!