I like wood risers. I had the chance to try out several Dryad risers from friends in our local club. Tried several different metal risers as well.
I was able to get a Dryad riser and now have two sets of Dryad limbs. I could have gotten limbs elsewhere and I might someday but what I have is working form me now. Dryad was sold to Stalker, I think late this past spring/very early summer.
I was able to get all my Dryad gear on sale. They used to have a sale in November. Once I decided I was going to go with an ILF set up I knew I would get a Dryad riser. I waited, saved my money. When the riser I liked was available and the limbs as well I bought.
I have a 17 inch riser with long limbs making a 62 inch bow. 62 inch bows have always been the sweet spot for me.
Find a riser you are happy with. Many opportunities to buy used, both risers and limbs.
While I still own and use my two other Blacktail bows, I find the ever increasing costs hard on my wallet. The ILF Dryad gives me long term options. I'm as and sometimes more confident in my shots with my Dryad as with my Blacktails.
Bows are a bit subjective to the shooter but many people like one kind of bow over the other.........
Find what fits, what yea like.......get out there and hunt!