These are just my experiences of shooting goose feathers over the last five or six years, so take it for what it is worth.
-They are much softer than turkey, but when I have them four fletched on a arrow with two goose and two commercial turkey feathers on an arrow, the turkey feathers wear out first under normal shooting. Goose doesn't tend to hold up as well being ripped backwards out of a target or shot thru targets repeatedly.
-All of them that I shoot or 4" or 5" shields both left and right wing. I cannot tell a noise difference what so ever between turkey and goose. The 5" that I cut is identical to a Trueflight which is relatively low profile and very quiet.
-I use both primaries and large secondaries for fletching and I cannot tell a difference in one from the other when fletched. They appear to have the same rezilliance unlike turkey were the secondaries are softer and don't hold up as well.
-I have tried some domistic white goose and they don't have the stiffness that the wild grey goose has. Shoot fine, don't last long.
Just my experiences. dino