I picked up a very nice 50# @ 28", 58" Arroyo from RER. It was an instock bow. It's a very nice bow, smooth, quick and has no finger pinch. The only problem is with bare shaft tuning. I draw 28 1/2 inches and everything I've shot shows weak. I've shot 1916's, 2016's, Beman 500's & 400's, Redline 460's. I'm not hearing a tick so I don't think I'm hitting the riser. All arrow shaft are between 29 1/2 and 30 1/2 inches long. I need a 29 1/2 inch shaft for a minimum. Point weights tried vary from 100 grs. to 175 grs. Everything indicates weak. I plan on trying some 2216 next. Any ideas?