OK, this pic got lots of questions back in the day as it was posted on a few threads, most comments came from the Bunny Hunt on the Bowhunters of Tradgang DVD as there was footage of this bow quiver and back quiver combo in the DVD and it was on the back cover of the DVD case, and the thread from Texas Sweat as well.
The reason for both the quivers is something I started long ago on combo hunts. That being, bunny's plus hogs and Javies were on the list. The bow quiver had the 'real' broadheads, and the back quiver had the modified broadheads. We would sneak along a road and would be on the lookout for any of the 3 species. We had lots of shots at bunnys so the back quiver was utilized a lot. However, when a javie appeared, or a hog appeared or squealed, I simply dropped the back quiver on the side of the road, still visible obviously, and proceeded after the the opportunity at hand.
The heads in the back quivers were modified Wensel Woodsmen. Obviously I pyramided the tip a bit , and I round them off considerably for tree shooting squirrels in the trees, but also I ground off the back corners of the head so they would come out of the back quiver smoothly. Unlike blunts, this head would pin the bunny to the ground, prickly pears, or mesquite trunks. And also, if not pinned, the ground contact would cause the arrow to stay somewhat halfway in the bunny and prevent them from running off as it was too thick for them to get away with a broadside arrow sticking out of both sides.
I have seen many of blunts bounce off bunnys and squirrels allowing the to run and escape or die where you can't find them. Here is a pic of my small game head of choice....