There was someone on here that had a thread that was working with Blazer vanes, it worked out well for them. As far as it not looking right, most of us are shooting " modern longbow or recurve" so I don't think that the feather cops are going to be able cover that much territory to catch you shooting with vanes !
If it works for you why not use it. It is all about shooting accurate, and a quick immediate kill.
I am not for putting a bungee junk on your bow, but when he gets down to it, a matchstick is a site, a kisser button replaces a peep, and even in instinctive shooting you still have site window, it may not have pins in it, but it still a way of shooting.
I've seen some people put loops on their modern longbow and recurve, it works for them. Why should we be any kind of a judge of that.
So stick some Blazers on a couple of your arrows, if it works for you, your are ahead of the game, if it doesn't you learn something. And you have more confidence in what you go back to because it works.