Well that went better than anticipated thanks guys. Although it's too late for the I-beam it sounds like it wont be necessary on this build as I'm aiming for 45#'s. I think I'll pull the ebony on the back and put a piece that's end to end as Beach Hunter and others have suggested will give me the peace of mind I am looking for.
Kirk Thanks for the info on I-beam material and using other materials alongside wood. That's good info
Appalacian I just made some limbs that came out at 36 when I was aiming for 50.
Yeah a new press and a couple tweaks in the design really threw off my estimate so I now have perfectly good limbs that are making me a bit sad. I guess they're good for a target bow or something? I dunno I'm new at this. Anyway, if I were more accurate I would be hitting 45-50 preferably but like I said I'm new at this so that's pretty emotionally based and the fact that I'd like to hunt with them and the min requirement here is 45.
Thank you all for the kind words and I'll definitely post finished shots. If i don't screw it up along the way... or even if I do I guess