It takes awhile to get your confidence and consistency down as an archer. If you concentrate on form first your groups will come together nicely. Your alignment at anchor is one of the single most important things to work on. Once you get that developed and learn to use back tension instead of holding that draw with your arms alone, you can fine tune your release a lot easier.
Once you learn to relax at full draw and get off the string clean.
You can concentrate on the spot where you want that arrow to go, and not concentrate on aiming at all……. Think about throwing a baseball, or a knife,or even shooting a basketball…. You don’t aim… it just happens… you concentrate on where you want it to go, and that’s it.
instinctive shooting style vs a gap aiming method is misleading. I firmly believe that they both “Become” instinctive as your skill level and confidence increases with good form and practice . The more you think about it, the more you second guess yourself. The so called instinctive shooting is still done with a gap from your point of arrow or arrow shelf to the point of impact, but it’s done with the subconscious mind, as you focus on your spot. You don’t set the gap, or think about it at all, but it’s still there. Just concentrate on getting to anchor, your breathing, and focus on your point of impact….. once that starts happening you’ll never go back to shooting sight pins again.
It’s a very satisfying experience once it comes together for you….. that’s about .05 cents worth of my philosophy.