I saw the bullpac getting some love on the "what pack frame?" thread so thought I would share my mod. I've had this thing for many years and have always wanted to use it as a portable tree stand but never could figure out how. It didn't work for that but it does work very well as a platform for saddle hunting. It also functions as a one stick for getting up to height.
Everything I need is right here and as minimalist as I could make it.
I made the two panel saddle from two cheap fanny packs I had around so they not only function as my saddle but as my day pack as well.
I added a DIY versa button and enlarged an existing hole on the frame to allow a tree step to be placed through.
The pack can either be hung from a step and strapped at the bottom or double strapped if you can't use steps. Also added some accessory cord to reinforce the pack ledge.
I also made some removable dogs out of aluminum for the bottom.
Lastly I made a five-step aider which hangs off the ledge and therefore out from the tree a bit.
You use it just like you would any tree stick except you can throw an elk quarter on it and pack it out.