I had the chance to shoot in a primitive archery competition at a rendezvous last weekend. The rules of this event precluded me using my own equipment so I borrowed my brother's self bow and wooden arrows. I am right handed and have a 28" draw length. My own bow is a Toelke Whip 50#@28" and I usually shoot carbon arrows for hunting. I can regularly keep all shots inside a pie plate at 20yards with this setup. Self bow I borrowed was 40#@30" and not cut as close to center as my Whip. I do not know about spine on the wooden arrows but they were about 31" long. Had all of my shots been to a single target, I would have had a great group, 8" left of my aim point. Elevation was fine, just every single shot hit 8" left of my aim point. I have also noticed that when I miss with my Whip, it will be left as well. Arrow flight looks good to me.
What am I doing? Thoughts, suggestions?
Thanks in advance.