If you enjoy having access to quality products and customer service, make a point to support the small businesses that offer you such. Everybody is feeling the constraints of inflation, INCLUDING those businesses and business owners. Businesses are having a harder time finding entry level workers now than I have ever seen in my life. If you want to see these individuals and their companies survive, do some business with them! Find a way to support them!
I have a small business as a knifemaker and know a LOT of craftsmen. I and Polk Knives is here to stay, don't worry about that. But I can tell you this, I've heard dozens of other makers, some of my materials suppliers, and even some of the managers at the local restaurants that my wife and I like to visit talk about not knowing how much longer they can hold on. These small business owners know and recognize your faces and I can absolutely promise you that they are grateful for your support, even when they may not go out of their way to tell you so.
We have a lot of cottage industry small businesses that support our traditional archery hunting pursuits. Please take a moment to choose one or two to throw a bone to. Give them some love and support, even if you don't "need" something. Maybe look for holiday gifts through them or something. A great place to start would be from our vendors menu at the top of the Pow Wow.
Rant over.
I hope you all are having one heck of a bow season. My freezers are filling fast and I'm looking forward to the holidays soon.