Hey all. Shot a Samick Sage back in the day, 2013ish, and haven’t picked it up again. Never did much but shoot a DIY foam target in the yard. Here I am all these years later and found myself down a very deep rabbit hole. I first got interested in the diy self bows and YouTube just took over my archery education from there. I am 62 yo as of next month. I watched many YT videos with reviews of ALL the budget bows out there and I have found myself a lover of the cheap bow. I started with the popular Black Hunter 60” TD long bow at 25#’s. My DL is getting close to 28 but still just shy of it without a big try. I since went with recurve limbs and am shooting 45#’s now. Well, remember that rabbit hole? Well I went in hard n fast. Since the Blk Hntr, I have, all recurves, a 56” 3 piece @ 45#’s, (seems to me that this is my fastest bow and with that speed, really punches the target, one of my favorite bows). A Satori knock off, 19” riser with 45# limbs for a 60” ILF rig (heavy, but shoots sweet, loses speed fast after 18 yds). Then in my newbyism I got a 66” knight, not knowing that I am leaving a lot on this bows table with my “limited” DL, but darned if I don’t like this bow. At just a tad over 2#’s it’s light in the hand and feels goot at my full draw. All bows except the Blk Hntr, are flipper or spring rests, after shooting all of them off the shelf first, and those coupled with clicker draw checkers, I have become quite the good shot in a quick amount of time. I guess my question is this: Do I just continue shooting whichever bow I want or should I concentrate on one bow? Arrows are a bit tricky as well, as I assumed all 45# bows would eat the same ammo, right. Found out that’s a big NOPE. I have become a man of many weights and length arrows but most shoot 28” 500’s weighing about 425. I have all bows with silencers and limb saver rubber discs, all are quiet. I do have one “expensive” RD one piece Long bow @35#’s and it just doesn’t light any candles beside any of my cheap bows. Am I too new to know better? Thanks,
John in N Ga