I swear, I am just not even getting why numbers are even put on bows and limbs. My frustration is coming from ILF, but maybe all TD bows have this issue if limbs are interchangeable. My example is this, I have a 15, 17, and 19” ILF riser, and they are those exact measurements. The fun stops there. I have a TBow Santori knockoff and it is advertised as a 62”, as in, the ad states this is a 62” retake down recurve bow and I ordered with 45# limbs and an extra set of 50# limbs, same TBow brand. I did not even know there were different length limbs at this time and I “assume” these are mediums. Anyway, there is nothing about this bow that relates to the # 62. The bow, unstrung is about 57 inches, laid on a tape measure tip to tip. The bow, strung, is about 58 inches with an 8 inch BH. The string is shorter than that. There is no 62. It only gets worse with aftermarket stuff as I ordered long Sanlida x8’s that said 64 on a 21 inche riser, they should have been 62 on a 19 in riser but numbers were as screwy as before. What is up with that and is there even a better way to get a bow length measurement?