Unfortunately, today's differences between modern trad bows and especially re 'What's a longbow?' (which is a necessary place to start if trying to answer the OP's question sensibly) have been lost in technical and ideologic design/re-designs over the decades. What once was a recurve is now a hybrid or a longbow/recurve combo or even a compound dressed up to look like one of the others by borrowing parts/shapes/materials. In the practical sense, tradbows have become kind of an omnipotent generality...limbs, strings, and fill in the blank with what you want other than cams. In a nutshell there are so many differences between 'longbow' and 'recurve' designs now, that picking between them is like trying to decide what your favorite color is on Tuesday compared to Thursday. You might come up with some answers but all of them will have mitigating circumstances as to their fit or sensibility.
In the end it's mostly about fit, feel, and use conditions. Pretty much a personal choice thing.