So after my trip to Africa in 2017, I practiced a lot, I started to develop some pain in my elbow. It wasn’t crazy at first. Anytime I shoot my bow or lifted weights, basically put pressure on the joint it would Hoyt and throb for days. Me being a meat head never really let it rest. I finally went to the doctor after a year or so of fighting it. He said it was arthritis and I need to give it a rest and said there was anything to do for it. So I gave it a rest.
It did get better. As long as I don’t use it it’s good, but that isn’t an option. I actually stopped shooting and lifting for a year. I tried to shoot a compound and it is much easier on my elbow as the holding weight is a fraction of my trad bows. However I just didn’t enjoy it like I do traditional. So I bought a bow I had been looking for and it has given me inspiration to keep moving forward, pain and all, to do what I love. Hopefully I will be chasing Elk in the high country with it this year!