Hey Roger
I've used Aluminum a good number of years, and in those years sniffed ...err..TRIED a lot of different glues;^)))
...aluminum cleaning techniques etc....Not to dog anyone elses advise or choices....but for me after all that "experience') with all those glues-cleaners..etc....I gave arrow wraps a go.....and never looked back !
Good old "time tested" Onestringer wraps and Gorilla glue ""Blue cap" is best of the best for this application.
I've misplaced arrows under deep snow , lost arrows that deer on a death run tossed beyond where I was looking ....some of these "misplaced" arrows spent years in ohio weather extreme conditions of rain-snow-heat- below zero temps....to the point that the aluminum shaft was rusted through and most of the feathers had deteriorated..BUT..the wrap-feather quill- and glue still held ! That proved all the proven that needs light shined upon it ;^)
My advise is to get some Onestringer wraps and a bottle of gorilla super glue in the "blue cap".....then go hunt hard without any concern about feather to aluminum adhesion ;^)
Best with your quest my friend !