I found the eagle feather on the ground under an Eagles nest. I'll check with the DNR, to see what they have to say about it. But that would be the same as saying just because I have an eagle feather, I killed an eagle, we sure do have some crazy laws in this united states. And I don't understand why because your particular type of people it's OK to have eagle's feather, that in itself doesn't make sense to me, what's wrong with anyone been able to have an eagle's feather as long as they didn't kill the eagle get it, I know the eagle is protected specie.
The wolf, has been a protected specie, and you can purchase wolf hides at Gander Mountain.
Oh, speaking of bad stores, that's an example. I purchased my quiver with a employee discount, and with 20% off, it comes to a dollar less, than what you can get it elsewhere at regular price.
No wonder I quit those goofballs, I would have felt better buying it from BaggierArrow's site. I do have to say I have never dislike working someplace more than a Gander Mountain. It's a wonder I last that long.