Before finding this site a few months or so ago, I had never encountered dialogue about shooting forms and whatnot. Its quite interesting.
I began my long love-life with barebow 30 years ago. I started off over-bowed and shot 70-75 lbs for years. If I had to label my style Id have to call it snap-shhoting. I shoot in one fluid motion and doubt I could have held at anchor to save my life.
What I dont understand is why people seem to have the need to put labels on everthing. Seems that when they do, the labeling is all too often followed by a judgement. Why do we need so badly to be right and tell others they are wrong?
When someone is challenged in some way and asks for advice, shouldnt we just give him our own experience, allow others to do the same even as theirs may be different from our own, and then allow that person to take what he can use and leave the rest?
Judgementalism is something that brings about seperation and division amoung sportsmen. There just arent enough of us to allow that to happen.
Anyway, for me... snap shooting is da bomb!! If I attempt to hold at anchor at all, as some of my friends do, it just leaves room for movement or waivering of the bow arm, decreasing consistency. It just makes sense to me that if I allow my 'instinct'(conditioned form, unconscious mind) to do the work of putting me on target, the most natural way to shoot is a smooth, fluid draw (either swing or straight-arm) and release upon touching anchor.
An interesting thing happened back in the 90's. A couple friends started giving me a hard time because they noticed that I wasnt reachng anchor, and that I would actually stick my lips out to meet my middle finger. I said, "ya mean like this?" at which time I flipped them my middle finger and kissed it!!
And guess what? I didnt do a thing about it. Why would I? I guess I got lazy over time shooting a heavy bow, but i was still consistently hitting what I wanted to hit at will. I just gave them a hard time back claiming to understand why they would be so interested in my form, being that I whooped their butts so often!! (Actually, they are both incredible shots and pride is a great motivator! Nothing like some great competition among friends to drive us to become the best we can be)
Anyway, my only advice is to not get caught up in all the "shoulds" and "do's and dont's". Give yourself a break and have fun. The more arrows you fling, the closer you will get to the day it just all clicks. Over-analyzing and over-thinking the shot, IMHO, just limits the brains ability to do it's thing, behind the scene where we cant mess it up.