Hi Kirk
I think unfortunately what you might be experiencing is the influx of cheap Chinese bows, and the downturn in economy. I live in Australia, so perhaps I'm not able to make a comment on the American economy, but I know here in Australia, folks are really finding things tough. I wanted to buy a new custom bow from the States, but was shocked at what it would cost me now. We have a bad exchange rate at the moment, so a $1,000 US bow would be $1,700 AUD. Then customs duty and shipping (for a one-piece to Australia can cost as much as 250 dollars). When all of these things were added up, it was going to cost me around $2500 for a bow from the States. I bought a Chinese ILF bow, with bamboo and carbon limbs. Shoots and points like a dream and cost $400. I'm not saying what is happening is good - it's not. I would rather have a beautiful custom bow from the States, and support 'local' workers, but I just couldn't afford it. Have I summarised this correctly? Do you think these things are affecting bowyers in the States? I wish you all the best for new orders. Sutto