Morning, everybody. Thomas here, from western Wyoming. Decided I'd better sign up over here, since it looks like the Primitive Archery forum is about to go the way of the passenger pigeon. Looks like a lot of people from there are over here, too. And it's always good to make some new friends.
A little about me: I'm an aspiring bowyer with a few successful primitive bows under my belt. I do most of my hunting with a 55# hickory self-bow I made a couple years ago. I'm currently experimenting with the local woods (juniper, Rocky mountain maple, maybe eventually chokecherry and mtn ash) and backings (antelope rawhide, buffalo sinew, dogbane fiber) in an attempt to get a locally grown hunting bow.
Not too many successful bow kills so far; upwards of 20 years chasing elk with archery without a kill, though I've put a few down with my .270. Archery kills to date include a mule deer, lots of grouse, rabbits, and squirrels, and a whole lot of close calls and good stories.
Outside of hunting, I'm a music teacher by trade (looking at retirement in a couple of years!), a follower of Jesus, a husband and father. I enjoy trail running, fly fishing, reading, biotope aquariums, and a good cup of tea.
Looking forward to getting to know some people on here and maybe meeting up with some "old" friends. Thanks for being here.