They are remarkably deceiving and have reinforced the current mindset of reward over effort and experience. I have been watching them less and less over the years, not actually watching the manufactured "hunting " part and just trying to enjoy the scenery. At that, they deliver a message that does not make me want to enjoy the outdoors and the hunting "experience". The compound bow has almost become an "old timer's game" and the crossbow doesn't get a blink with the more recent addition of the shooting stand and the children under 10 years of age, the numerous game cameras all monitored from a distance, and bucks that have names. It is just a different game altogether. A half an hour to show the story of the plan, travel, discussion and review of photos of the target buck ,setup, waiting in anticipation, the shot and recovery all mixed in with the product endorsements leaves out most of the reason that used to be considered the emotional and psychological benefits of 'going hunting". Honestly, the shows and what they profess is just boring. Sadly, this also takes away from hunting any moral justification. We just changed over to You Tube TV with a significant drop in price. No hunting shows here. I really won't miss them.