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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Advice needed - My first T/D recurve  (Read 512 times)

Offline Jacko

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Advice needed - My first T/D recurve
« on: May 23, 2008, 04:28:00 PM »
This is my first 3 piece t/d recurve.

The riser 16.5" long , the limbs where laid in a Bingham form for a T/D  62 " t/d I borrowed from a mate and strung bow length is 55 1/4" , brace appears to be around 8". I am aiming for 45# and now the bow is about 50#

I used 2 local timbers for the lams , a beefwood veneer for the back and a spotted gum tapered lam for the belly both under 40 thou clear .

I was pre warned that on average spotted gum for a given thickness makes a 9# heavier bow than maple . So instead of 2" glass I used a 1 1/2" limb width , tapers to 5/8th nocks . I think I may have the mid to outer limbs tapering to abruptly

The bow came out 15# overweight but have got it close to the required draw by tapering the profile which was probably the wrong thing to do . I think the bows recurves need stiffening laterally as I may have narrowowed them too much . It stays strung no problems . I have drawn it to about 20" . There is a minor twist on bracing .

The limbs sides are straight but am worried any more width removed to fix this minor twist is the wrong thing to do until I glue on overlays with a veiw to stiffen the recurves laterally . I will cut string grooves down the overlay

 I relise this will add draw weight. I havn't sanded the back and belly of the glass or chamfered the edges as yet .

Am I on the right track with this bow ? I am confident the exact bow I wanted is there just need advice and slowly slowly approach right now

regards Jacko
"To my deep mortification my father once said to me, 'You care for nothing but shooting, dogs and rat- catching, and you will be a disgrace to yourself and all your family.'"

-Charles Darwin

Offline Jacko

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Re: Advice needed - My first T/D recurve
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2008, 05:13:00 PM »
I know its hard to picture my concern here folks . do you think that overlays on the recurves would stiffen them against sideways movement or is it controlled further down the limb - I don't care if your an experienced bowmaker or not , you may have an insight .

regards Jacko
"To my deep mortification my father once said to me, 'You care for nothing but shooting, dogs and rat- catching, and you will be a disgrace to yourself and all your family.'"

-Charles Darwin

Online Orion

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Re: Advice needed - My first T/D recurve
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2008, 09:52:00 PM »
If you could find a way to glue on an 8-inch or so overlay, it would stiffen the recurve some, but that may still not solve the lateral problem.  If your tip is pulling to one side now, that means the string nocks aren't centered on the limb perfectly, or you took too much wood off one side of the limb vis-a-vis the centerline of the bow/limb.  Or both.  The only way to bring it back is to take some wood off the other side, or file that string nock in a little more.  However, since the limb tips/recurves are apparently already taken down too much, taking more off one side of the limb will likely throw the tiller off, if it's not already.  

If the recurved part of the limb are very long, you might consider shortening the limbs by an inch or so.  Would get a little of the weight back and give you a little more material to work with.  Good luck.

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