I've got a nice 45#TD..I'm working on tweeking the setup to get the best performance out of it.i've got 3 sets of arrows.50-55#,55-60#.And 65#-68#.[all are wood].i installed some wool string silencers.It came with the knock point installed.i knock under it.
Is brace height measured from string to back of riser,back of grip or top of arc on rest area?
I put an extra 10 twists in the string from when I got it and it quieted the bow alot.Now i measure 8 3/8" to back of riser,and about 9 to the back of the grip.Does this sound like too much or is it strickly an individual bow thing[use what works]The bow draws fine this way not stack or binding.
How heavy an arrow do you shoot out of a 45#r?
Give me some input or ideas if possible.Thanks in advace.