Been wanting a Assenheimer for a couple years and everytime one comes up for sale on here by the time I see it its sold. Well shot a couple of Dons bows yesterday and settled on a 62 in. 47@28 Master Hunter Elite, gonco alves riser w/ebony grip cap w/ebony-cocobolo accent stripe with cherrywood limb veneers..These bows shoot and feel awesome, great grip and hit right where I looked, also very quiet w/o silencers other then a little string twang.. put 400.00 down on bow pl. 20.00 for sh., hope to send rest of money next week..will be putting 2-3 bows up for sale maybe a Wallace or 2 and a Bighorn I just bought, going to try to get down to just a couple 3 bows to shoot all the time, plus pay for Assenheimer....will post pics as soon as I get it