Been there, done same. I used to have that problem at the TBM Trad Expo West, the only major trad event within affordable travel reach of me out here in the wide West ... bought two fine bows there in two years, both on impulse and with no regrets still today. So, tragic as it is that the Expo West is no more, it sure saves me some money, as by then I had a habit! Not to mention all the arrow shafts, leather goods, raw wood for selfbows, Helle knives, etc. ... it's our duty, I believe, to support all the Ma and Pa operations we can, since they are the heart of the post-wheelie Trad Archery and Bowhunting Remarkable Rebound (which would not have come about, lest we forget, were it not for TBM). Do as I do and explain to yourself and your wife, that it's a noble contribution to a great cause!