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Author Topic: treesuit, treesaddle, web ?  (Read 1352 times)

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treesuit, treesaddle, web ?
« on: June 23, 2008, 06:46:00 PM »
I have been thinking about buying either a treesuit, treesaddle or the web.  I have read some of the past posts and I still have some questions.  If anybody has used all three types, please advise me in the following areas:
SAFETY- I'm 6 ft/210 lbs and 55 years old.  I ain't crazy about heights.  Most chain-on stands and open-front climbing stands give me the "willies" when I stand to shoot. Regular sit-and-stand climbing stands the climbing bar often gets in the way. I normally use ladderstands so when I stand I can brace myself with my legs.  I do wear a safety belt.  How safe and secure do you feel in these stands?  Which one do you feel the safest in?  Can you fall out of them?  What happens if your foot slips off a treestep when you are "walking around the tree" for a shot?
HOW EASY ARE THEY TO SET UP?  Which one would you consider the easest to set up and use?
SHOOTABLITY-  Which one do you consider the best/easest to shoot a recurve from?  It looks like some models the strap that connects you to the tree would interfer with your shooting.  
COMFORT-  How comfortable are they?  I know that what may be comfortable to me might not be to you but after a couple of hours in one do your leggs fall asleep, do you have numb-butt, crotch-kill,etc?  
Last question, How often do you use your?  Is it your go to stand or do you use it as a makeshift stand?  Thanks for your time and trouble.  I really do want ya'lls advice.
They exchanged the truth of GOD for a lie,and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator-who is forever praised.Amen Romans 1:25 NIV

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Re: treesuit, treesaddle, web ?
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2008, 07:32:00 AM »
They exchanged the truth of GOD for a lie,and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator-who is forever praised.Amen Romans 1:25 NIV

Offline Marvin M.

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Re: treesuit, treesaddle, web ?
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2008, 09:02:00 AM »
I bought a tree suit a couple of years ago.  I have yet to use it.  Been using ladder stands or hunting from the ground lately.

I like it and like the concept, but haven't even practiced from it yet.  No good trees that I can get to easily to practice from.

Offline JockC

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Re: treesuit, treesaddle, web ?
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2008, 10:46:00 AM »
I have a Guido's Web.  Most comfortable, safest-feeling stand I've ever used.  I sleep like a child in it.  The whole web is you safety-belt and harness, and you are tied to the tree for the whole climb up and down, even when moving past large branches.  Also, there is metal fork that holds you away from the tree, which is pretty nice.

However, the web narrows the arcs that you can shoot in, and a really long bow would be tough.
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Re: treesuit, treesaddle, web ?
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2008, 02:14:00 PM »
I purchased a tree saddle,but only used it in my yard so far, feels good to me and I am 6'4" and 275lb. You have to wear boots with heels for a decent grip on steps is the only drawback I can tell.
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Offline AMB

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Re: treesuit, treesaddle, web ?
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2008, 05:50:00 PM »
I looked at all of them as well and I chose a Guido's Web.  I bought it last January and have not had a chance to hunt out of it, but I have spent a good deal of time in it.  One thing that I can tell you, the more steps that you have to climb on, meaning the steps for the platform, the smoother and quieter you will be when changing positions.  I don't see how any of the other stands can hold a candle to the comfort level of the Guido's Web. Great stand and Mr. Palisini gives you 30 days to try it out and all that you risk is return shipping.  You really can't fall out of the thing.  A little tip on shooting a bow out of it, cross straps that attach you to the tree.  You need to get one well before the season as to become familiar with it.  Good luck.

Offline hogdancer

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Re: treesuit, treesaddle, web ?
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2008, 06:00:00 PM »
hopefully Joebuck will chime in on his Web , in the mean time here is a picture I took of him last fall. He is a well fed southern boy and it seems to work well for him.
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Offline SouthMDShooter

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Re: treesuit, treesaddle, web ?
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2008, 06:07:00 PM »
Great info guys, im seriously considering getting a guido web here soon.
 Thanks for the pic hogdancer it looks like the stand ive been lookin for
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And that has made all the difference."
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Offline joebuck

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Re: treesuit, treesaddle, web ?
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2008, 06:45:00 PM »
Super K...as my buddy hogdancer said i have all Three....However Guidos Web IMO is the safest and most comfortable to use. I have modified mine a little (PM me for that) but i absolutely love this way of hunting.

Setup: I mostly use Lone Climbing sticks and screw in 3-4 screw in steps at top of tree at 9:00 ,12:00 and 3:00..so I can walk all the way around the tree. I'll put 3-4 steps around the tree at the height I want to stand in about 6-8 trees I'll hunt all season. I position myself for my most shots on my left side. You can shoot 270degrees from this location. if you need to shoot around the tree ..slide the belt and step over 1 step.

Comfortable...Guidos has a metal t bar that keeps your crouch off the trunk of the tree. Treesaddle and Tree Suit DO NOT..(you will have to use knee pads for those)..Guidos also has a lumbar strap on theirs that is very comfortable. You have various straps you can adjust to fit you perfect... Also Guidos has a back support others don't so you can lean back.  Guidos has a PADDED seat that is comfortable for hours. back rest also blocks wind on cold days and helps keep you warm.

Safety....Guido's hands down is the safest. it has a 6 point contact harness that is rated 2000lbs.. there is absolutely no way to fall out. Also they have a climbing belt to use when climbing so you are hooked in at all times.

Hunting pros.....Since using this system, I have had shots at 6 P&Y deer (130"-160") at 20 yards the last 2 years that never saw me....I have had 0 shots the 20 years before. The deer absolutely can not pick your profile off side of tree. i hunt low to 12-14' max..I am 5'11" 235#s( and dropping)...Main reason deer can not see you is your behind the tree if you position your setup right.. I like for the deer to walk past me then i shoot them or at them

Cons: treesuit is more liberal in bindings than Guido. A tad easier to shoot out of. However I modified my Guido and It's as easy to use now...treesuit is lighter..I killed 2 deer with treesuit first time I used it...

treesaddle same cons as treesuit is that you have to wear kneepads to keep your crouch off the tree trunk. Web strapping is bulky but alot of guys here use them and kill some nice deer with them...

it's a short learning curve to use them and get your confidence but I have throughly enjoyed mine. i have 2 small kids and safety is own my mind always. I will never hunt off of a lock on or climber type again after I have used this system last 3 years.....

Shooting..Pros...this way of shooting is almost identical to how we practice on the ground. Notice my pic below is an upright stance like I practice on the ground..I am defintiely more accurate and stable shooting this way than I was bending at the waist out of a loc on to clear my bottom limb from the stand.

I do not recieve any money,free merchandise or stands from Guidos Web Co. so I can buy what I want too so IMO... Guido's Web is way to go if you want to hunt like this...
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Offline joebuck

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Re: treesuit, treesaddle, web ?
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2008, 08:13:00 PM »
Aim down your arrow because thats where it's going.

Offline Longbowwally

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Re: treesuit, treesaddle, web ?
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2008, 08:43:00 PM »
I have a treesuit and killed two deer out of it the first year I hunted out of it...I haven't used it in a couple of years because I didn't have a way up the tree that I felt safe with. I think I'll try Joebucks method using Lone Wolf climbing sticks and screw in steps to stand on...

The year I used mine I used the woodpecker drill system. For me, this was way to much work, especially when its hot, and I'm like Joebuck in that safety is most important to me and I don't feel good about the only thing between me and the ground is a bolt. However, this setup is what I used to kill the two deer so it does work.

When using my LW climbing stand, I usually get up high. This year I'm going to hunt lower, cause I like that shot angle better, and you can hide yourself better with a treesuit type of sling which is more important if you hunt low. Joebuck has proven you don't have to hunt high to be successful. I also think this type of stand is perfect for late season hunting when the foliage is gone...

I may try Guido's this year...I've seen the video and based on Joebucks comments it seems the way to go...

I have one question for Joebuck and others...When I hunt with my 'normal' stands, I usually change shirts or put on more clothes ononce I've cooled down...How do you do this with this type of stand?

Wally Holmes

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Re: treesuit, treesaddle, web ?
« Reply #11 on: June 24, 2008, 10:36:00 PM »
Hello Wally...I know what you mean about the woodpecker..It's pretty good cardio workout in a wateroak!!....To add more clothes like a jacket is pretty easy. I climb the tree with the jacket tied around my waist and partially sitting on it once I get stteled in the stand....Then when I'm ready to put it on...I undo both harness straps and slip the jacket on...then I slip both harness straps back on...You are still strapped in when harness straps are off because the hook up is above the waist. The harness straps really just keep the back rest on... I shoot sometimes with 1 or both harness straps off!!...If my jacket is too bulky to tie arouind the waist..I pull it up with my bow and hang on the opposite side of the tree with a small bowholder hanger..  Another neat thing I do is put large hand warmers on inside of backrest and seat on the cold days...I stay really toasty in a King Of Mt shirt and medium weight longjohns....

Another thing I need to clarify..is I climb 90% of the time with climbing sticks already in the tree....I use my tree tether belt as a climbing belt and keep sliding or "popping" it up as I go up the trunk with no limbs.......If trunk has limbs, I use the climbing belt that I can un hook and re hook.........If I am scouting in the woods for a place to hunt that instant, then I strap on a climbing stick then strap on my climbing belt then step on climbing stick to second step the strap on another climbing stick then slide my climbing belt up repeat repeat....I do not climb with my tether belt when I'm installing climbing sticks..you can but it's hard for me

Good luck Wally and good to hear from you again..that pic above with me in it..I'm at 12'. Hogdancer was at 18' when he took the picture.. We had 6 does and yearlings walk right under me that morning and never saw me or hogdancer...I waited for him to take a shot ( he was my guest and whinning about he had no deer meat) but he never had a good shot...Boy that won't happen next time..I'LL SHOOT!
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Re: treesuit, treesaddle, web ?
« Reply #12 on: June 24, 2008, 10:41:00 PM »
I have both the suite and the saddle. Both are excellent and have logged hundreds of hours hanging in a tree. As far as saftey goes , it would be impossible to fall once strapped in.

Offline Daddy Bear

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Re: treesuit, treesaddle, web ?
« Reply #13 on: June 24, 2008, 10:52:00 PM »
I have the leather version of the tree saddle. I'm of the opinion it is better suited for persons with good athletic coordination. If that is you, the leather saddle is excellent. Not much trouble at all to quickly set up, it is comfortable, it is quiet. If you are skilled at handling your stickbow on off angle shots, the saddle is outstanding as you can keep the tree between you and the deer for maximum concealment. If you are limited in your shooting techniques, you may be limited to which side of the tree to shoot around. Even then, it will work well but you'll not take full advantage.

I can take the saddle and a handful of steps in my daypack and hike all over creation. Even if I stay on the ground, it is not much of a burden. If I run into a situation where I'd like to take advantage of a tree, I can. Often such saddles work best when you can take advantage of limbs in lieu of steps to aid climbing and to add cover.

Daddy Bear

Offline Mike VanBuren

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Re: treesuit, treesaddle, web ?
« Reply #14 on: June 24, 2008, 10:54:00 PM »
I've used all three. The Treesuit was the most difficult to turn around and shoot in. The straps are stiff and somewhat noisy. I got most of my money back when I sold it. Then I bought an Ambush Treesaddle (the 2005 mesh model). It's perfectly quiet, easy to maneuver and shoot but it squeezed my hips and upper legs no matter what position I was in. I sold that one too.

Then I tried the Guido's Web. This is the most comfortable stand I have ever used. The only issue I had with it is when I had to shoot to my opposite side. It took too much fumbling around to shoot at a big old doe. It busted me and now my confidence went down hill with that thing. Since then I cut off the leg straps. Joebuck gave me a good tip about loosening the shoulder straps. I practiced with it more and feel much better about hunting with it in the future.

I recently picked up the new neoprene model Treesaddle after being able to try them all out at a store. The difference in comfort is like night and day from the old mesh model. I will use this for 3-4 hour sits and the Guido's Web for all day sits. I will say that the Treesaddle beats the Web for simplicity. Nothing short of a reclining sofa could be as comfortable as the Guido's Web. I would rate them all high for safety. That's the main reason I use them.

Offline Longbowwally

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Re: treesuit, treesaddle, web ?
« Reply #15 on: June 25, 2008, 09:07:00 PM »
Joebuck - Good advice - thanks. If I end up with Guido's(which I'm pretty sure I will) I may PM you some questions if you don't mind.....

Everyone - its good to hear everyones  experiences with this type of stand. I've gotten some good ideas from these threads.

Thanks for sharing.

Wally Holmes

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Re: treesuit, treesaddle, web ?
« Reply #16 on: June 26, 2008, 12:13:00 AM »
Amen, Wally!....Thanks ya'll for the replies and tips.
They exchanged the truth of GOD for a lie,and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator-who is forever praised.Amen Romans 1:25 NIV

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