I read it and noticed. Stuff happens.
In a round about manner I provided the article on Will Compton in Compton's first issue. Glenn St. Charles called me and asked to use the article I had written for Stickbow. I gave him the ok since he and Joe St. Charles had been mighty generous providing me information whenever I asked. Somehow between Glenn's phone call and publication my name became separated from the article. Marv Cochran gave me proper credit in a later issue. It's still posted in the History Section of Stickbow for any who may have an interest.
There isn't a great deal of information on Compton and you will find similarity between the article Joe St. Charles wrote for TBM, my article from Stickbow and the first issue of "A Walk in the Woods" and the couple T.j. wrote later. The reason is simply that we all have mined the same limited material and parallels are unavoidable.
Fred Asbell asked me last year about the stuff I had on Compton and I donated a copy of every published reference, information and article I had in my files on the Chief for Compton's archives. He told me about the new information contained in T.J.'s article and I was pleased to see it published for those who have an interest. I believe there is more uncovered history on the Chief and hope it finds it's way to Compton and updated material published on him as it is acquired.