Kevin, I'll send up a Hello from the southern part of the state. The trout fishing is great up there, lots of streams to hit, one day I'll venture up there and fish some of them. I had to work in Hardy County a few years back, don't know about now, but the deer were thick around there, especially around Warden.
I haven't been to the ABA range, but I did meet several of their members at a club shoot down here in Beckley back in April. A lot of good fellows in there, and all the ones that came down were very good shots. I think you'll fit in with them, then we'll meet in probably April next year at the ABA range for the third annual North/South Shootout.
Try to make ATAR, alot of the guys will be down all weekend, great place to find supplies, bows, and to meet Killdeer and Bernie.
Forgot to add a link to our club, if you want to venture on down here and shoot with us, you'd be more than welcome.