Swamp Pygmy,
I got the book and scrimmed through it, it is as the title says but should read "Encyclopedia of Traditional Bowyers", but the title is miss leading and also was the review I read.
"Expert bowhunter and archery traditionalist Dan Bertalan has compiled the most complete bowmaking text available today. By traveling coast to coast and consulting America’s top bowmakers, he has gathered the best information on how to build your own recurve longbow, improve your hunting skills, care properly for a bow, and more. Including descriptive photographs, diagrams, a complete glossary of terms, and reviews of particular bows that include draw/force measurements and hand-shot arrow speeds, this illuminating book will provide hunters, collectors, and others with invaluable insight into this specialized world."
He may have "gathered the best information on how to build your own recurve longbow." but he doesn't share it with you.
It once had the title "Bowyers of North America", or something to the effect and should have stayed that way.
It is a book about different companies, how they got started and what not.
There are some pics of guys working so you will a few different forms or something else that will make you think.
But Ii wouldn't spend the money on it there are alot better ways to get ideas and the how to's.
One being right here.