Each type of stand has its use, so you have to decide what you need. Depending on location and tree type, climbers, "hang" stands, and ladders each have their use. If you can leave them, ladders have become my recent favorite. I now have 6 of them. Climbers are great, but you limit your "back cover" by needing pole trees. The seat from a climber, however, can also make a sweet ground level chair. Hang stands are my least favorite as the time to rig steps and the stand is not my favorite thing. Depending where you hunt, screw in steps may be ilegal so you may need rails or something like that to get up the tree. I do not consider hang stands to be portable (yeah, others will debate this, so lets not get into a peeing match - I won't dispute your style of hunting - just just my opinion). Over time, you may build up a collection for different situations. Think too about natural ground cover.
Just make sure, no matter what you do, USE YOUR SAFETY HARNESS. The most dangerous time is getting into the stand from steps, ladders, etc. Please, please use your safety equipment!