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Author Topic: Calling All Hill Longbow Fans!!  (Read 958 times)

Offline Daddy Bear

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Calling All Hill Longbow Fans!!
« on: July 28, 2008, 10:44:00 PM »
To all you Hill longbow experts and fans:
Give me some opinions/thoughts on this Howard Hill Archery longbow I'm cooking up:

66inch Cheetah 65pounds at my draw of 27 1/2inches. An extra lamination of bamboo, small take down sleeve handle, shedua riser and tip overlays, full body elk silver inlay, stitched split brown leather grip, and satin finish.

What do you think? Any suggestions, deletions, additions??

Thanks, I'd greatly appreciate any input.

later, Daddy Bear

Offline Justin Falon

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Re: Calling All Hill Longbow Fans!!
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2008, 10:48:00 PM »
Sounds perfect!  You will never be disappointed with a Hill.  There are fancier, but not better!!!


Offline toddster

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Re: Calling All Hill Longbow Fans!!
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2008, 12:18:00 AM »
sounds great  love my two hill's

Offline Greg Skinner

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Re: Calling All Hill Longbow Fans!!
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2008, 12:27:00 AM »
I really like the sleeve takedown on my 66" Halfbreed.  At first I wasn't sure I would be OK with the straight grip that you get with the sleeve, but once I got used to it I find it fits my hand better and I prefer it to any other style grip.  It will be easy to duplicate on my next HH. I draw 27" and the 66" length is ideal.  I'm sure you will like your choices.
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Offline Daddy Bear

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Re: Calling All Hill Longbow Fans!!
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2008, 03:58:00 AM »
Thanks guys.

Greg, do you know which size sleeve grip you have, small or large?? My current favorite straight handle longbow has a smaller 4 3/4" circumference grip and I was affraid of going too much larger than this with the Hill. Craig thought the small sleeve would suit me well (I think he said it was just over 5inches in circumference. Thanks.

I do know that the larger sleeve is recommended for bows over 70pounds. But, does anyone have feedback on their preferences between the two size sleeves based on handling characteristics?

Daddy Bear

Offline JImmyDee

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Re: Calling All Hill Longbow Fans!!
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2008, 07:29:00 AM »
I have a TD Wesley Special with the large sleeve and have handled another Hill with the small sleeve.  I like larger handles better.

I'd omit the overlays.  The limb ends are strong enough without them and you don't need any extra mass on the tips.

Offline Deadsmple

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Re: Calling All Hill Longbow Fans!!
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2008, 09:08:00 AM »
Sounds great. Do you really need the extra lam of boo? I'd talk to Craig and see what he thinks after discussing what exactly you're looking for. In any case I'm looking forward to the pics. Sounds like it's gonna be sweet!
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Offline Jerry Jeffer

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Re: Calling All Hill Longbow Fans!!
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2008, 09:35:00 AM »
I too have heard the xtra lam of boo doesn't make much difference. Other then that... well I like 'em a bit longer.
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Online Orion

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Re: Calling All Hill Longbow Fans!!
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2008, 10:25:00 AM »
Well, I may as well weigh in as well.  I don't think the extra lamination of bamboo is necessary.  Adds two more glue joints which just stiffens the bow.  I like inlays, though I don't have any on my bows.  Will there be enough room to put a full body elk on the risers and still keep things looking proportional?  The larger takedown handle I believe is proportioned better to the Hill riser, however, which you choose should be detemined by your hand size.  Finally, though limb tip overlays aren't necessary, I like them.  They're on my Hills.  I prefer 66-inch Hills at my 27-1/2-28-inch draw length.  I don't notice a difference in smoothness between that length and 68 inches (never shot a 70 incher), but the 68-inch just feels a little more awkward in the woods.  Good luck.

Offline Dick in Seattle

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Re: Calling All Hill Longbow Fans!!
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2008, 11:41:00 AM »
Well, I couldn't handle the 65#, but other than that it sounds great!

Dick in Seattle
Dick in Seattle

"It ain't how well the bow you shoot shoots, it's how well you shoot the bow you shoot."

Offline TSP

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Re: Calling All Hill Longbow Fans!!
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2008, 06:29:00 PM »
Yup, too heavy for me but a dandy bow.  Like you I'm partial to a dished or straight grip Hill and the sleeved takedown feature should be handy, albeit a little more 'squarish' than a conventional grip.  Always liked the sleeve on my Fox longbow, back when I had it.  

Other than the weight the only thing I might change is the finish...to either gloss or semi-gloss.  Would really be a looker with those Juniper limbs, and a little washable/removable waterbase craftpaint can flatten out the shine nicely if worried about sunglare for hunting.


Offline Daddy Bear

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Re: Calling All Hill Longbow Fans!!
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2008, 08:03:00 PM »
JImmyDee,  I discussed the tip overlays with Craig. He did say the tips were already reinforced, but he said the added overlays greatly increased the integrity and strength of the tip. This and use of B-50 would result in a marked improvement in the durability and longevity of the bow. I did ask him about decreased performance from the weight, he said the overlays add no practical weight and that I would not be able to detect any change in cast or speed. I also spoke to his son Jason today, he is of about the same size and draw and he also likes small handles like me.  Both he and his dad recommend I go with the small handle based on the low torque Jerry Brumm handle I've used for the last 15years. It ended up that we both basically prefered near identical rigs, right down to string design and arrow nocks.

Deadsmple, Jerry Jeffer, and Orion,  Craig is the one who recommended that I get the extra lamination of bamboo. He made it clear that I would most definitely notice an increase in smoothness with the added bamboo. I was speaking to Craig's son today and found out that my choice was identical to his. He can pick or choose any combination to try and his choice was the same. Both encouraged the extra bamboo. He did say that if I were going to a shorter length, I may not notice much difference. Maybe this is where the confusion comes from on this topic.

Dick and TSP, Thanks. My current go to hunting longbow pulls 64pounds at my draw. I've stayed in the mid-60s range for as long as I can remember. I have no issue with the weight and can work the bow as easily as if it were 50pounds. I was willing to go as high as the mid 70s to ensure it lost little or no cast/speed with my prefered 650grain(10gpp) hunting arrows from my current bow. Craig was confident that the combination of the 66" length, the 65pound draw, and the extra bamboo lamination would more than meet this requirement while being super smooth.

Thanks again,
Daddy Bear

Online HARL

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Re: Calling All Hill Longbow Fans!!
« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2008, 08:05:00 PM »
My 68"67# Cheetah with 5 lams of bamboo is a great shooter.The only Hill I have faster is the 68"69# carbon backed Wesley with the large T/D handle.I shoot 700-800 gr.arrows with both bows.I get inlays on all my Hills to make them a bit different.
62"63@28 Zipper Nitro
62"60@28 Zipper Nitro
A Doz. Hill Longbows

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