All I can say is "Thanks!"
You've all been so helpful, well, all but Nativecraft!
That article link was very educational and I've sent it on to my friend who was bitten. His buddy was there a couple hours with us and had on shorts and low socks/shoes! He got none...but he wasn't with us on another side of the property. I knew I was getting bit by something up there but thought it were skeeters.
As I've shared, I just didn't know in all my life we had chiggers in Central PA! Do now!
All medical reviews i can find clearly identify if there is a hard center part, it was a chigger bite. Mine are way ugly... but that is cause I tend to have a allergic reaction to most bites. So ti's worse.
I went to store and Roadkill said about Prep H, but it was expensive while meat tenderizer was only $.85. I went that route as I'd read it works on bee stings and other insect bites.
Wow. I'm betting PH works too, but I made the paste and tried it...did it 2x before bed and for the first in 3 nights, slept like a baby! Course, tenderizer never really "disolves" it's more like salt...and now the bed is full of sandy grit, but I slept!!! whew...
After shower, reapplied and it looks like the worst might be over... looks uglier'n sin though.
I agree with ya'll. Prevention! Prevention! Prevention! Can't prevent what ya didn't know was!

I'd have been dosed up good and pre-sprayed clothes if he had any ticks in his area, but doesn't so I relaxed. Big mistake. Won't happen again.. I'll likely duct tape by pants to an outer set of 2nd socks dosed with Permanone AND DEET spray
Full Quiver, I used so much DEET guiding in MT flyfishing, I now break out instantly if I apply to skin. We used Muskol from CN which was 100% DEET. I apply OFF or Cutters right to clothing like Permanone and it doesn't sweat off as easily obviously and doesn't make a rash.
thanks for all the help, suggestions on prevention and treatment.
Still itch...but it's manageable. Thanks!