I think Terry is correct. There can be some subtle differences, though, not so much in form.
I use a good strong grip in my bowarm, and finding the right hand placement can be tricky but just takes some time with the bow.
My own opinion, too, is that selfbows will shoot better, and more efficiently with a quick release style. Snap shooting or a pull-through release, rather than a "hold" at full-draw. It will also extend the bows life, and you will get more consistent arrow flight and better speed. This is a tough thing, though, for a lot of folks to learn, so really should be secondary to good accuracy. Also, face it, you have to get closer with a selfbow most of the time.
I've been shooting and hunting with them now for 20 years, and mastering selfbows actually has made me a better shot with my custom laminated bows as well. Lots of practice, lots of practice. Good luck and have fun.