I'm not sure if you knew Don Brown or who he was. I had the privilege of meeting Don but didn't learn about what a GIANT of an archer/bowhunter that he was until I helped inducted him Post-humously, into the California Archery Hall of Fame.
If you ever get tired of that Don Brown Lobo, please look me up as I'd like the opportunity to buy it from you, out of respect for Don. I'll post below the write-up I did for the Hall of Fame to document Don's life and contribution to archery.
Don Brown
Traditional Archery Bow Hunter
Don Brown, was the type of man that legends are made of. What hasn’t this man done to promote the sport of archery during the past 40 years? In order to figure out that question let’s look at what he has done.
Don Brown the Archery Club member:
• Don began his life-long passion for archery in 1954 when he first started slinging arrows. He’s been a member of the Riverside Archery club since 1956. He’s been a member of the CBH, the NFAA and the National Archery Association for the past 40 years. He’s been a National Archery Association Flight Shooting Board Committee member since 1968. He’s been given the position of International Flight Shooting Judge by FITA in 1999.
Don Brown the Hunter:
• He’s taken countless big and small game animals, including fish, using only the Longbow. He is the holder of the NFAA Art Young Small Game Award. Deer, bear, javelina, wild boar, and sharks have all fallen to Don’s broad head. Don once dropped a sheep at a witnessed and confirmed 160 yards.
Don Brown the Target shooter:
• He’s established many high score records shooting very heavy weight longbows from 100 to 145 lbs the scores of which have never been surpassed in target, field, and novelty rounds. He’s held the National Archery Association title of Flight Shooting Champion for fourteen years between1968 though 1997.
Don Brown the World Record holder:
• Don holds numerous national and world records for long distance flight shooting with longbows and recurves. He is listed in the Guinness Book of World records for having shot an arrow with a 132-pound hand-held recurve bow the record distance of 1336 yards, 1 foot 3 inches. Don also holds the record for having shot the fastest arrow ever recorded out of a “stick” bow, at a speed of 507 feet per second. He set the world flight record for longbows of 408 yards 1 foot 4 inches with a 130-pound longbow.
Don Brown the Archery Ambassador:
• Don has performed difficult shooting shots for television commercials and has been a technical adviser and coach for movie and television personalities. He has toured the country performing archery exhibitions for the non-shooting public while promoting archery at sportsman’s shows, fairs, schools, and clubs.
Don Brown the Bowyer:
• Don successfully marketed his own line of traditional archery bows and accessories under the company name of Don Brown Traditional Archery Productions of Riverside, CA. Don’s hand-made longbows were considered to be among the finest in the world and of meticulous quality, with great attention to detail. His other merchandise catered to the traditional archer and also enjoyed an excellent reputation for durability and functionality. Don used many of his own bows and arrows to set the world records cited above.
In summation, Don Brown was indeed a legend in his own time. We are saddened by his recent passing on, but all the better for having known him while he was among us. Our sport too, has benefited from the Don Brown legend.