well, saturday was the first cool day of the year down here in texas. it stayed about 78 degrees all day. so wheni got off work i grabed a few of my bh arrows and a couple with judos for stumoing. i went down into a draw behind my father-in-laws place where i had been seeing quite a bit of hog activity. it had just rained that day so i was looking foward to seeing what had come that area that day. well, there was not as manay tracks as ther usally is but there was one set of a pretty good size deer and one set form a young adult hog. i started up the draw thinking i might jump up a hog form his daytime nap, but nothing turned up so i headed out into a feild that had just been cut. i sat there in the tree line to where i could see the fence row that always has trials off coming and going critters. i had been there about an hour when i saw the first deer on out land this year. a big doe walked out about 200 yards away. she went behind a little nole and that was the last i saw of her. well now the cow started moving in the graze in the fresh cut feild, i figure tahts what ran the doe off. i sat there a little while longer with the cow steadly moving in the the front pasture, and then i saw it. the black blob just on the other side of that little nole. i was thinking this is it, this is the pig that is going to be your first kill with traditional gear. i strated in on the stalk, keeping low so i could pop up over the nole and get a shot at the pig. well i did just that poped up over the nole and there is was. A BIG BLACK CALF :(
. I was very disapointed and a little embarrest that i had just made a stalk on a cow. this is where it gets interesting i started to walk away and the big calf started running towards me. so im thinking "ok, he wants to play" so i run at him a little and he stops. i start my walk again and he runs again. now its getting old. well he got the attention of the bull and before i knew every cow in the pasture was headed my was at full speed. i turn and yell at them to get them to stop( that usally does with this bunch of cattle)but they keep on coming. end up with me running all the into the woods to safety.
this might be a little long but i thought some one might get a luagh out of it. i know after it was all said and done i did. thanks for reading.