One is a Martin recurve shooting off a flipper. The other is a longbow cut past center shooting off the shelf.
When I first got the martin I could almost interchangeably shoot them with no issues.
As I’ve spent a little more time with the recurve, when I first start out, I am way left, and have to make an effort to correct it.
I thought maybe my original quick bareshaft tune was off some. So just to go extreme I went form 200 gr up front to 300 and I still get left. Arrows are flying like darts, no issues there. Just way left if I relax and don’t mentally keep after it.
I’m guessing its just a matter of grips between the 2 bows, but I thought it odd to start out with no differences but develop a left tendency on the one.
The bow is 55# @ 28, which is about what I draw. Shooting 28.75” Heritage 250’s with 212 gr up front.