Skin them out and pin(I use a stapler)them to a board with the flesh side out. Remove any fat or flesh before it dries. On a nice warn dry day with a little breeze it should be dry in a day or 2.
When you are ready to put them on your bow, soak them in warm water until limp, remove the excess water from the skins, spread glue(TBIII) on the stave and skin and lay them out on the limbs(work one at a time) with the head of the snake pointing towards the handle. With copperhead skins you shouldn't have to wrap. Just work out any air bubbles and excess glue and set it aside for a few hours. Then trim the extra skin from around the edges and set the bow aside for a week or so to allow the glue to cure and the moisture from the glue that soaked into the wood to dry. Pat