I've got the Hatfield. It's an older model, 73-ish or so. And I love it. It was my first, and has pretty much been my only. I'd say the only drawback to a takedown is, maybe, possibly getting a little creak from the limbs rubbing on the riser at the contact point. I didn't really have this problem, but put some felt in between anyhow. The other thing to pay attention to is that the limb bolts are tightened all the way, or you may have some "slapping" when fired. I haven't had this problem either. Advantages, well you can take it apart and it fits in your luggage easier. Then you have to put it together which takes all of 3 minutes. I used to take mine down all the time, now I just leave it all together. No sense in taking it apart unless I travel. It's a little heavy too. Not all T/D recurves are this way. I think it's an advantage though, helps me to keep a little more steady. I would love to have a one piece though.