Forgewood was originally compressed POC when Mr. Bill Sweetland was making the best arrow shafts ever made. His process compressed the ceder making it very dense and it had a tapered density, ie was more dense on the point end. Sweetland Forgewoods are very hard to find and when you do you will pay a pretty penny for them, yes they are that good, plus some people collect them. I know of a man in Oregon that probably has a room full of Sweetlands but he is not getting rid of them at any price.
After Sweetland closed, Jack Harrison,if I remember correctly, and some partners bought all of the original Sweetland equipment and moved it to Alaska and for a short time they made and sold Alaskan Forgewood arrows and shafts. They could not find POC that was good enough for the compression process so they used Alaskan Hemlock. These were also great arrows but not as good as original Sweetlands. They are also very hard to find and demand a high price as well.