It's funny...I was on the continental divide in New Mexico when it happened...hunting elk.
It took 3 days before we found out...we were so isolated. When we did, we thought it was a joke at first...then the significance of the situation hit home. Everyone lost their enthusiasm for the hunt, we all bagged it and took off for home.
No flights leaving I paired up with a guy from Florida and we team-drove straight through to Atlanta on Saturday...I took him to the airport and he was able to get a rental car and drive by that flights still.
By Sunday morning, when I turned the tv on, things had changed...most of the footage was NOT being shown over and over...too I never went through the whole thing..just snippets and still photos.
I stayed in front of the History Channel last night, watching the home video, personal stories- people jumping out of the buildings- just awful, awful to see but I wanted it burned in my memory- I don't want to ever forget what happened.