i pull out HIT inserts quite often. you do take a chance of ruining your arrow, but going slowly will always be best. need to install a field point just a little. you do not want to have the neck of the field point touching the side of the shaft to much. better yet is to install a stainless screw to ensure no solid contact with shaft. next heat only the tip of the FP or screw very slowly. check your progress often by pulling with pliers. do not pull to hard, that is where most screw up. pulling to hard b4 the glue is melted will only pull out part of the carbon from inside. when insert is clear of shaft immediately dunk shaft in water to remove all heat. this will work on inserts installed with epoxy, hot melt, or quick set glues. most often the only damage is to the cosmetics of the shaft on the front end. go slow and check progress often so to not had any extra heat than needed and cool quickly. tim.