I too, have....over the years tried almost every new gimmick that comes out, trying to eliminate as much as possible my human scent. It isn't possible. I have reading about a new method of using a hyped-up bee smoker and some simple wood chips to help mask human odor.
I know for a fact that what causes odor is bacteria.......so if you prevent the growth of bacteria then there shouldn't be any odor to speak of....huh?
Think about this......guys and gals, take two pieces of meat.....one raw, and smoke the other one. Throw them both on the table, come back three days later and eat, (or possibly attempt to) some of each of them. The smoked piece of meat has been "preserved" so to speak. Which to me, is just another way of saying that it isn't allowing the bacteria to grow on, or in it. Now the other one, most likely will not look like anything, or smell like anything that you would want to part your lips with, let alone chew up and swallow.
I have been resisting trying this for a couple of years now, and have heard enough from trust-worthy sources to believe that it works. I'll keep you posted on the results.
I know, it goes AGAINST everything that most people have always believed, me included. BUT, at the most it will only cost the education of a few animals, and some extra washing and de-scenting of my hunting clothes. It is worth the try for me to have 360 degree hunting (forgetting the wind) available, because in the areas that I hunt, there isn't such a thing as the wind ALWAYS blowing from the same direction.
As I said, I will keep people posted as the season progresses.