I'm hunting a new piece of property this year. It is takeing some time to pattern the deer. Trying to do some low impact scouting. I have been seeing lots of sign but, NO DEER!
That changed tonight. Found a new spot with a whole lota signs, just off a creek bed crossing. Thicket on one low end of the creel and hardwoods @ the highend. I got to the woods around 4:30 this afternoon.
I just want to say it was a beautifull afternoon to be in the deer woods. Temp was around 70 degrees. Got settled in the lone wolf climber. Lots of wildlife to see. Had a blue jay land on a branch no more that 4' in front of me. Seen some cardinals flying around. Squirrels meandering below me, never knew I was there.
It started to get about "that time". Anyone who deer hunts know what time I'm talking about. The woods start to settle and everything gets quite. And you know you are about to start seeing deer!
All of a sudden, I heard a deer running towrards me form the dirction of the creek. The creeks has alot of brush on both side of it. I couldn't actually see the creek from my stand, I was about 20 yards from the creek. Once I heard the deer run thru the creek I was certian he was headed in my direction.
He came trotting out of the brush and stopping about 8 yrd from the bottom of my stand. When he stopped, his vitals were behind a tree. I noticed he was a small basket rack with what I think 7 points. It all happend pretty quick. He started trotting again and I came to full draw . As he came in my shooing lane, no more of few feet from the origanlly stopped. I grunted with my mouth to stop him. As soon as he stopped, I loosed the arrow. I watched it sail JUST over his back and stick in the ground. He jump and trotted off. He never knew I was there, but he knew he didnt like what just happened.
. Especially guys like Lowbowben with that 178+" deer he just killed. Talk about nerves of steel.
Thanks to all you quys on this site for keeping me inspired to keep with trad gear.
P.S. Thank goodness I had a clean miss instead of tracking a wounded deer. That is my worse fear.